Sunday, April 18, 2010

What makes mould grow?

There are mould spores everywhere. when you put a bread mould in a stored container for long, it gets dirty. moulds spores attach to dust particles or dirty food items. so that is how moulds form.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why does mould grow in homes or buildings?

Moulds and fungi are found in nature and are necessary for the breakdown of leaves, wood and other plant debris. These micro-organisms can enter a building directly or by their spores being carried in by the air. In a home or building, moulds and fungi are usually found growing on wood, drywall (plaster/gypsum/Sheetrock(R)), upholstery, fabric, wallpaper, drapery, ceiling tiles, and carpeting.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Doest yeast grow mould?

Yeast will not grow, but it will create and develop fungus. Shabirah.

mould growth within buildings

The majority of buildings contain mould spores, but some buildings are mouldier than others. Indoor moulds can be remarkably tolerant of dry conditions but none can live without some minimal moisture source for a prolonged period of time. Excessively mouldy buildings generally have a source of moisture leading to unusually excessive mould growth. The source of the moisture may be a moist sub-floor environment, a dripping pipe, a leaking roof or some other fairly obvious cause. In many cases the mould can be readily seen growing on walls or other materials in contact with the moisture source. Sometimes the moisture can occur inside walls and not be visually apparent. A common but not so obvious cause of moisture in colder winter months is condensation inside south facing walls.

Why does mould grow on food?

Mould grows on food because the food is certainly gone bad. Letting the people know that's its gone bad it grows mould and also mould grows because that food may have been lying somewhere for a long time also mould grows when it lies in 1 place after a while there is no space left for the air so then the juice from that certain product goes all over the place in a certain time becoming mould. Shabirah

What are the different types of moulds?(and a few pictures)

Acremonium Aspergillus Cladosporium Fusarium Mucor Penicillium Rhizopus Stachybotrys Trichoderma

What is the growing conditions of bread mould?

Warm, moist and sometimes dark areas work best. Bread mould grows very well if there is any moisture caught in a bread box with bread in it. Dark places such as the cupboard, the school locker, drawer, etc. Mould can be easily found in the wheat bread where the air is only limited. Yeast which grows fungus can make mould.